New Patients​

\We are invested in your health and have made it our aim to develop long-term relationships with all our patients.
Dr Bastian Joseph is new patients for a LIMITED time.
We are primarily a private billing practice, and private bill all new patients, including children, pensioners and health care card holders.
Dr. Michael Joseph and Dr Brianna Joseph are NOY taking new patients.
Prospective patients will be asked to read important practice information when they show interest in becoming a patient. This must be agreed upon before becoming a patient.
A deposit (booking fee) of $100 is processed at the time of booking, which covers some of the cost of the initial visit, time with the nurse, GP and the additional administrative time. (see attached new patient information for more regarding the booking fee and cancellation policy).
All new patients will be asked to complete relevant patient information online using HotDoc or in person, so that your details can be added to our secure computer system before the doctor sees you.
To complete this new patients must bring their up-to-date Medicare card, photographic identification and any concession cards they have.
Your first appointment will be 15 minutes with one of our registered nurses and 15 minutes with the GP.
At the completion of the first visit a payment of $42 (for <15 mins), with a medicare rebate of $42.85 or $120 (if you go overtime) with a rebate of $82.90 is to be made.
Going forward consults will be charged as per standard rates.
Below we have the current New patient information and Patient information sheet to be read prior to any patients being able to book.